Midtown atlanta gay bars

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If you are simply looking to meet like-minded people, then pay a visit to a local gym, take a stroll around Piedmont Park, or head to Blakes on the Park for a spot of lunch. On Northside Drive, Swinging Richards is a particularly popular gay bar known for its outrageous dancers, while on Piedmont Avenue, Burkharts Pub caters to a relaxed crowd and offers drag shows, pool tables, karaoke, an outdoor patio area and 'Sing-Along Sundays'. In Midtown Atlanta, popular nightspots are to be found along 10th Street Northeast, Cheshire Bridge Road Northeast, Faulkner Road Northeast, Peachtree Street Northeast, Piedmont Avenue Northeast and Ponce de Leon Avenue Northeast. The city is called home by a sizeable gay community, which is generally situated in and around the Midtown, Decatur, Candler Park, East Atlanta Village, Inman Park, Virginia Highlands and Little Five Points neighborhoods. The city of Atlanta is without question Georgia's leading LGBT city and manages to boast a number of significant events, including a huge summer pride festival.

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